Tuesday morning I went with Chic and we planted Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly also known as schilling. We also dug out some sod that wasn't looking good and replaced it with fresh sod. Then, we got rid of some bad plants and old sod that were in the yard in preparation for the plants that are coming in this week. After that, we put down some fresh mulch to dress up the edges of the flowerbeds around the calypso pool in all-star music. After that, Chic used the chainsaw to cut out some saw palmetto's that were dead or dying while I cleaned up the debris. To end the day, we moved some barricades which are to be picked up by the place they were rented from in the next few days.
Wednesday morning Chic and I drove around looking for debris and watered. Then, we put mulch around the grasses and ended the day by putting down pine straw.
Thursday we drove around looking for debris and finished the day by putting down pine straw.
American Lotus |
Friday morning I went out with Chic and we first drove around looking for palm boots and other debris. Then, we put in liriope in front of a sign to cover the open gap near the bottom by fantasia pool in movies. Then, we replaced some junipers over by country fair in music, put down mulch around the junipers and some of the other beds in music until the Toro was empty. After that, we cut down some allamanda near the fantasia pool. and pulled large weeds in the parking lot between movies and music.
Plant of the Week:
Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly is the plant of the week. Its native habitat is Southern United States, Mexico, and Bermuda. The shrub grows to be 25 feet tall however within the landscape at Disney it is kept trimmed back much shorter than that. The shrub has gray-green twigs with bright red berries that are drupe-like and appear in clusters on the previous years growth. The foliage is alternate, dark green above, paler beneath, leathery, glossy, scalloped, unarmed very fine in texture. Flowers are inconspicuous. Maximum color is in the winter when fruit assumes full color. Information from Disney's Horticulture Plant Identification Manual given to all interns upon entering the program.
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